TPS for Guatemala

Temporary Protected Status (TPS) is an immigration benefit requested by Guatemala since 2005 due to natural disasters and political crises.

Despite multiple requests, it has not been granted. However, in 2024, the Guatemalan Migrant Network is intensifying its campaign to achieve this status, highlighting the need for support due to corruption and recent disasters.

The migrant community in the U.S. hopes that TPS will provide stability and economic support to both Guatemalans in the U.S. and the new government in Guatemala.

What is TPS?

Temporary Protected Status (TPS) is an immigration benefit granted by the United States government to citizens of countries facing extraordinary conditions, such as natural disasters, armed conflicts, or other circumstances that prevent the safe return of their citizens.

TPS allows beneficiaries to live and work in the U.S. for a specified period without fear of deportation.

History of the TPS request for Guatemala

Since 2005, Guatemala has requested TPS on 18 occasions due to various natural disasters, including Tropical Storm Stan (2005), the Pacaya volcano eruption and Tropical Storm Agatha (2010), and the Fuego volcano eruption (2018). However, all requests have been unsuccessful to date.

Current Campaign

In 2024, the Guatemalan Migrant Network has intensified its efforts to obtain TPS for Guatemala. This organization is working alongside activists and immigrant advocates in several U.S. states, including California, New York, and Connecticut. The campaign includes meetings with officials from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and Democratic legislators, highlighting the continuous support of the Guatemalan migrant community towards the Democratic party.

Benefits of TPS

TPS would provide stability to approximately one and a half million Guatemalans in the U.S., allowing them to work legally and avoid deportation. This would benefit not only the individuals and their families but also Guatemala's economy through remittances and economic support.

Importance of TPS for Guatemala

Guatemala faces serious corruption and violence issues that have forced many citizens to emigrate. The Guatemalan migrant community considers TPS essential to provide stability and economic support to both Guatemalans in the U.S. and the new government in Guatemala, led by President Bernardo Arévalo.

Challenges and Community Support

Despite the efforts of the new government, corruption and instability remain significant challenges. Organizations such as the American Immigration Lawyers Association (AILA) and various activist groups are working to support the TPS request, mobilizing the community and securing proclamations of support in cities like Chester (New York) and Durham (North Carolina).

Latest News on TPS for Guatemala in the U.S.

In 2024, the campaign to secure TPS for Guatemala has gained stronger momentum. The Guatemalan Migrant Network has been working closely with various immigrant rights advocacy groups, such as the ACLU and SALEF, to press the Joe Biden administration. Demonstrations have been held, and lobbying with senators and congresspersons, especially in the so-called "swing states" that could influence the upcoming presidential elections, has been conducted.

Additionally, the president of the Guatemalan Migrant Network, Walter Batres, has emphasized the importance of this election year to push for TPS approval. The Guatemalan community has used political pressure strategies, reminding Democratic legislators of the constant support from Guatemalan migrants in past elections.

The government of Guatemala, led by President Bernardo Arévalo, has also been negotiating with U.S. authorities to secure TPS. Despite internal challenges and persistent corruption, the Guatemalan government considers TPS crucial to providing economic and social relief to its citizens both abroad and at home.

Finally, several U.S. cities such as Chicago, Miami, Houston, San Francisco, and Los Angeles have issued proclamations supporting the TPS request for Guatemalans, highlighting the urgent need for this status due to the difficult conditions in Guatemala.

TPS for Guatemala would not only provide significant relief to Guatemalans in the U.S., but it would also contribute to the economic and social stability of the Central American country. The campaign led by the Guatemalan Migrant Network seeks to achieve this crucial objective to improve the living conditions of millions of people affected by the crisis in Guatemala.

  1. Eberto Ruiz says:

    Orando y creyendole a Dios por el TPS para 1.5 millones de Guatemaltecos en los USA.

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